Administering Medicine, First Aid and Diaper Rash remedies
Each year, your child must have this form signed on file to receive any medication, including (but not limited to), diaper creams like Desitin, Neosporin creams, Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl, etc., and even homeopathic remedies. Additionally, you must provide your own medicine/remedy and clearly mark it with your child’s name, and the dosage.
Parent Consent for Administration of Medications and Medication Chart
Immunization Record
The school must have an updated immunization record on file for your child, every Fall. You do not have to print a new one every year — you can update the one in your folder via with help from the Internal Membership Chair. Here is the original document:
California School Immunization Record #PM286
If your child is not vaccinated, this form is required by many schools to be placed in the child’s file.
California Personal Beliefs Exemption to Required Immunizations #CDPH 8262